Photo of wonderful mentors on a bowling outing with youth

Amplified Mentoring Program

mentee Eligibility
+ Ready to share, learn, and make new connections in the Salt Lake community
+ 10 to 17 years old
+ Willing to meet with a mentor 6 to 8 hours a month
+ Parent/guardian permission
+ Complete a screening process
mentor Eligibility
+ Willing to meet with a mentee 6 to 8 hours for 9 months
+ Able to pass a criminal background check
+ Complete a screening process
Our Amplified Mentoring Program supports positive youth outcomes by building trusting relationships between youth and healthy adults and by teaching life skills that foster growth and self-sufficiency

Reliable, caring relationships with adults provide youth with the additional support they need to develop into successful members of our community. When youth know someone cares about them and recognizes their contributions, they are more likely to develop their skills, make healthy choices, and achieve self-sufficiency.

The Amplified Mentoring (AMP) provides group and one-to-one mentoring opportunities for youth in Salt Lake County. Group mentoring programs are provided in partnership with local schools and community centers. Youth participate in 10 to 12 workshops with an AMP professional mentor to learn skills for managing difficult feelings, creating healthy friendships and refusing negative peer pressure.After completing the group mentoring program, eligible youth can be matched with a trained volunteer mentor. Youth meet with their one-to-one mentor 6 to 8 hours a month for 9 months with ongoing support from AMP professional staff. This is a community-based mentorship. Mentoring activities can include talking, hiking, going to a movie, learning a new skill, working on personal goals, and more.

Watch An introduction to AMP

Our Amplified Mentoring Program supports positive youth outcomes by building trusting relationships between youth and healthy adults and by teaching life skills that foster growth and self-sufficiency. To learn more or get involved in the program, visit