Photo of an arial view of Recovery on Redwood building

Cornerstone Counseling

Adult residents of Salt Lake County, 18 years or older, who are struggling with mental health concerns, such as depression, trauma, anxiety, etc. can access treatment at our facility.
How to enroll
To access mental health services at Cornerstone Counseling at 801-355-2846 or email
Hours of operation
Cornerstone Counseling is open Monday through Thursday, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM and Friday from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
1875 S Redwood Road, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104
New Client Intake Forms
Cornerstone Counseling was established in 1968 as one of the earliest community mental health clinics in Utah. Since then, Cornerstone has been committed to providing high quality behavioral health services to vulnerable individuals and families in our community who might not be able to afford this type of care.

Cornerstone specializes in treatment services for addiction, mental health, trauma, and intimate partner violence. We offer individual, group and family counseling to children, adolescents and adults. Clinical staff are licensed mental health therapists focused on trauma-informed care and evidence-based treatment.

Community-based behavioral health is different. Our clinic helps clients by reducing barriers to needed care and facilitating connections to community resources for vulnerable individuals. In addition to outpatient behavioral health services, we offer integrated primary care services through a unique partnership with Midtown Community Health Center. Cornerstone receives funding from Salt Lake County to help vulnerable individuals in Utah.

Learn More About Mental Health Services
Adult Substance Use Disorder TreatmentAdult Mental Health TreatmentChild and Youth Mental Health TreatmentDomestic Violence CounselingPREP - Prevention and Recovery from Early PsychosisPrevention Programs for Addiction and Mental HealthPrimary Care ServicesOn-Site Childcare ServicesTHRIVE Supported Employment Program

New Client Intake Forms
New client and intake forms might feel overwhelming! These forms are available for your reference, or to print and complete in your own time. If you do print them, please bring them with you when you are ready to start receiving treatment services. This is not required to receive services and is provided for convenience. All required paperwork will be provided at the first appointment if not completed prior, and you may be asked to fill out additional paperwork under the supervision of a clinician.

Cornerstone Counseling Center is committed to serving all patients, regardless of ability to pay. We offer a sliding fee schedule for Salt Lake County residents, available based on family size and income.

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)

Individuals who are 18 or older with Medicaid who have been evaluated and referred by a medical professional are eligible for this program.
Individuals must be evaluated by a medical professional for eligibility.
Hours of operation
The Assertive Community Treatment team provides services for their clients 24 hours a day, Monday through Sunday.
Volunteers of America, Utah's Assertive Community Treatment provides comprehensive, flexible treatment and support to individuals who live with serious mental illness.

Volunteers of America, Utah's Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is a “hospital without walls” model. ACT uses a multidisciplinary team approach to provide intensive, integrated services where and when our clients need them—in their homes, at work and in other community settings.

Volunteers of America, Utah's ACT Team members directly provide services that are individually tailored with each client and address their specific preferences and goals. The approach with each client emphasizes the relationship building and active involvement in assisting clients to make improvements in functioning, to better manage symptoms, to achieve individual goals and to maintain optimism.

Payment Information
Clients must be insured through Medicaid to receive services from Volunteers of America, Utah's Assertive Community Treatment program.

Services are delivered and community-based (not office or facility-based) therefore ACT team members meet clients where needed.

Contact the Assertive Community Treatment team
801-355-2846 ext. 527